Published Sep 21, 2024
VIDEO: Kentucky HC Mark Stoops - Ohio Postgame
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Jeff Drummond  •  CatsIllustrated
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Kentucky head coach Mark Stoops addressed the media after the Wildcats' 41-6 win over Ohio on Saturday afternoon at Kroger Field. UK evened its record at 2-2 on the season with the non-conference victory.


MARK STOOPS: Okay. You know, it's good to get back into the win column obviously. I feel like thelast couple of weeks our guys have worked hard to get some things corrected. Had the rightmindset in their preparation. We want to be more consistent, obviously today was far from perfect.Many mistakes out there but a lot to get corrected. I think it was important to play a lot of guys.There was players who worked extremely hard. A lot of young guys got in there tonight and I thinkthat's extremely important. The first half, I wish we could have got a few more points and got someguys to get a few more snaps but we pulled away late and I told you that all week it was going to belike. And I think our team had that mindset. They knew that you have to go beat ‘em. You have to gowin the snap. It was going to be methodical in some ways. They are a good team and well coachedand they keep things in front of them and they play extremely hard and they mixed up somepressures and they were adding on guys that got some pressures. A lot to fix but I thought we werevery balanced. I don't know what the stats were in the first half but I know we had a lot of yards anda lot of first downs but I wish we had a few more points. We screwed that up at the end of the firsthalf and it’s on me and I knew better. I knew I should have kicked it on third like I was going to andit's on me. We had to kick it with no timeouts - we had to kick it there. Good to see Gavin get somereps. I thought Brock did a really good job as well and played tough. Got some yards. You know, it'sgood to get some yards and get the ball in the air a little bit and obviously we got to work someprotection. Defense played really well most of the game. If we don't give in that field position wewould probably get the shut out. Defense had good e:ort. I will open it up to questions.

Q Did Kentucky make strides in the passing game?

MARK STOOPS: Yeah. I would imagine the big one was called back as well. That was him thatcaught that. Right? Yeah. So, I think it just shows for all of those guys, you know, they all as a groupwork really hard and their timing and they are running hard in practice and you know it's been hotand they are grinding and running and running and sometimes the ball doesn't find you andsometimes it does. If you do things right and you continue to work really hard eventually that ballwill find you. Obviously, we need to do things to protect and put them into position. I think it's just atestament to how consistent he’s been. The way he's worked and the way he has just put his headdown and got better.

Q Offensively, you have talked about how there was some mistakes that you guys would like to fix.Looking at an offensive standpoint. What are some of those mistakes that you hope toaddress as you guys head to the road for the first time?

MARK STOOPS: The ball on the ground. Penalties. Pre-snap. Holding. There is a lot of things that wecould do better. All of those things.

Q Your thoughts on Jamarion Wilcox’s performance the last two weeks.

MARK STOOPS: Jamarion is a guy that I have been – you’ve heard me say many times that I believein his talent. He is a very good player. We are leaning on him to be consistent on and o: the field.And you know, do things right. Be on time to meetings and little things. Know all of the protection.As he gets more snaps, he will be more engaged and he’ll get better with opportunities. As far as allthe little nuances to the o:enses and the protection in thing of that nature. As far as running theball, he's tough as nails. A week ago – you guys probably don't even see it but he's on kickoffrunning people over on the kickoff team getting to the football as a running back. You know, he has thetoughness. Last week and this week just the way he runs it. He's been very efficient and tough andtrying to be more accountable in all ways.

Q On not going for a field goal before the end of the half.

MARK STOOPS: We were right on that cusp honestly. We had the timeouts. At the end of the firsthalf is obviously di:erent than at the end of the game. I had the timeout and I thought it was wiselyused to discuss it. And talking with our special-teams guys, it was right on the cusp. I put a lot ofpressure on the outside thought. I thought that was about a yard or two and we felt like the wind atthat point was in our face and we felt a little bit as it was swirling. And we decided to go for it.

Q Mark, how big was the fumble?

MARK STOOPS: Yeah, that was really good. It took us a while to get that fumble. I still had to shakemy head as it was going through. I was like really – it was good. It was important at that momenttoo. To buck up and keep them out of the end zone and get that turnover and get decent fieldposition and get back up field and Maxwell’s was a really nice play and a nice call and you know, thedefenders really played it well. Pop really passed it and pushed through the zone so it looked likeman but we were actually in the zone and rolled up on it and it was a nice play the way we executedit.

Q Mark, with Brock and really how much pressure he’s been under in the pocket, how hard is itfor him to make normal progression under those circumstances?

MARK STOOPS: Obviously, he was 17 of 24 but that doesn't count running from his life on six oreight sacks. But to him, you know we have to speed up and he has to go through a progression forus to progress, you know, we have to get some time. That's why late in the game there, I was sayinglet’s continue to throw the ball. Even with the negatives. It got a little sloppy. I thought there was acouple of questions. In defense, the right tackle. I thought a couple of those weren't great calls butthat's me. You know what I mean, at the time you feel like, you know, it's really sloppy. Afterwatching it on the iPad I have to defend him a little bit on that. And overall, we know there isimprovement to be made. We were trying to just work on that thing. When Gavin got in I wanted tosee him and give him an opportunity to throw the ball and run our o:ense. I thought that wasimportant just to do that.

Q On getting Gavin Wimsatt in the game early and on how he looked.

MARK STOOPS: We had been working that for weeks. As I mentioned, we understand the weekbefore it was not the right time for it. The way that game was played was so important. And today Ithink we just have the mindset to get it going. Get them in there and get them a few snaps.

Q Do you like the direction from an explosive standpoint?

MARK STOOPS: Its improvement. You know, its improvement. Going into this game, it's been ourmindset to continue to improve. I told you prior to week three game with UGA everybody was morefocused trying to improve. You always have to play with attitude. Right? That'snonnegotiable for us. But I think we need to play disciplined and more focused. And today - Ithought at times we were and obviously, we have some limitations and we have some areas wherewe have to get better. We try to work on those things as we understand we are going to move to theleague here now.

Q On Steven Soles and Terhyon Nichols…

MARK STOOPS: Both of them. Terhyon had a little hammy late in camp that showed him a little bitbut he’s showed lot of promise and – is just relentless and played extremely hard and has somenatural pass rushing ability and it's good to get him in there.

Q On Nichols’ size…

MARK STOOPS: It is. I think we as an organization, we want some guys that are beyond size and wewant some guys that just have some attributes and he certainly does have that looseness, thatwiggle, he has a good feel for the game and he is relentless. There have been some great ones thathave been on the shorter end too.

Q Mark. Did you joke with J.J. when he came off the field after that mirror fumble back?

MARK STOOPS: No, I didn't. I was just still shaking my own head.

Q More time for Aidan out there today. Was it wanting more distance?

MARK STOOPS: Yeah. We just have been working Aiden and I think I told you we were gettingcloser and closer and we will continue to work and he hit that one pretty good. We didn't even sky itthat's why none of the guys went to the ball we he didn't hit it that good.

Q Mark, you guys got to get out of SEC play and now you have to jump back into it. What does itlook like for you guys to ramp back up?

MARK STOOPS: As I told the guys it was kind of nice for them. Obviously, it was a hot day and Iappreciate the fans being out there just sitting out there in that kind of heat. So, thank you onceagain. For our players, it was a hot day. We needed that to test us and push us because it's nice ina way because we play very early next week. I don't need them out all night and I need them gettingsome rest and getting some sleep and we need to have a great week of preparation because weknow the challenge that lies ahead. They are going to tax you in all ways and stress you and in a lotof ways and we have to be on point from the beginning of the week.

Q On fourth down midfield. Was that the right play?

MARK STOOPS: Yeah, they squeeze and scraped o: the zone read. I didn't see how the ballwhether it was the exchange or whatever but they chased the back. So, he wasn't going to make it.So he could pull it but I didn't see what happened but the tackle has to get to the backer on thesqueeze and scrape. In real time that's what it appeared to me that it was. Somewhere in betweenthere the ball went on the ground. I don't know if he hit him or pull it. It was the right read. Again, weshould just take our time and get in the right set. You know what I mean? We are trying to drawthem o: sides and we are in that set and the play clock is going. I wish I would have gave betterdirection. I would rather give a big set and hand the ball straight downhill, you know what I mean.There are times when you have a quarterback who could run and we have some good plays and wehave some follows. We have some good design plays that can get some sort yards we just didn't getthere.

Q Do you feel like after four games that you have a better idea of what you want the operationto look like?

MARK STOOPS: I think that's a fair point and good point and that's where with Bush and I talking onthe headset. For him, I think he has a good understanding of who we are and what we are and I alsowant to make sure that we are trying to push to get better and trying to improve and get better'swhere we are not as far along as we would like to be. It's hard for him and for us. There is a lot offirsts, right. It's really hard when you come in the spring and camp and I tell our players this and tellyou this, there is no possible way we could put in all the scenarios that happens. There is a lot offirsts. That’s what I told him in here a discussion at halftime. That’s on me. There is no discussion.I've been here for 12 years. I know the BS that happens sometimes. You know, I should have knownbetter and kicked the dang ball. I know, I've been here. You know what I mean? Where otherplaces, you could drop back on third and 12. The way we are protecting right now it showed I havegot the three.

Q On the peace of mind you have in Alex Raynor?

MARK STOOPS: Well, It's really important. You know, it's good. I made one good decision todaywhen I went for it on fourth. Instead of putting all that pressure on making that streak going. Was itgoing to be. 56. That's right on that. I think I told you it's right at 55 I feel comfortable. Six in a lowbreeze. That's putting a lot of heat on him.

Q Protection issues you are having right now. Can you put your finger on one of the two thingscausing those?

MARK STOOPS: A couple today there was one or two add-ons where the backers just triggered inthe back has to pick it up and be firm and give them some space. I will have to look at that on film tosee whether Brock could have then stepped up or if it chased him completely out of the pocket.Obviously, the tackles, we can't constantly chip. You have to be able to protect and some one onones and I know there was a couple that speed got us o: the edge again with tackles. It's beeneverybody. Again, I've said that in – South Carolina with the edge guys they had we got beat inside.Everybody's had a turn. We have to continually work to have a continuity of the o:ensive line. Theyall could do it We just got to work together. It's not like some big massive scheme problem oranything like that. We just have to continue to work and be on the same page and strain and finishour box.

Q On Aba Selm getting playing time…

MARK STOOPS: Yeah. We had planned on getting him and Malachi in there and we wanted to gethim some reps today, regardless.

Q On getting Barion Brown involved other than the passing game…

MARK STOOPS: That's part of the game. You see it in the NFL and you see it in college. You know, ifyou are like me when the ball is on the perimeter it doesn't work it's like that is enough of that shiton the perimeter. And then there is times when it works. You know, I think even if you look at lastweek and look at this week if we continue to be e:ective. I said it early on with this team with theslicing and dicing that they do we have to hit it with some gaps games. They made it hard in the rungame. I don't know, we might have been more e:icient running the ball last week at downhill runs inbetween the tackles. We knew it was going to be hard. That is part of the game getting the ball onthe perimeter. And part of it - some of it is it reads too. When Gavin was in there, we thought wewould probably hit the downhill and that's more like Q power which is inside but the read told himto give it - I would assume. Real life out there look like they took both away. You know what I mean?

Q Taking the game on the ground. Do you love that? To have so many different guys doingthat? Does that help you dictate the game even more?

MARK STOOPS: Again, it is part of it. With this o:ense there is a lot of pre-snap and there is a lot ofmotion and there is perimeter run game, but we hit it downhill as well. There's a lot of guys that havedone that. With AB. Earlier in the game he bounced one of the perimeter run and I got on him andjumped him during the game. I said dude, stick your foot in the ground. There was 5 yards. There isa big difference between second and five and second and 15. Later he did that. You saw two orthree tough runs and he looked me right square in the eyes and he knew exactly what I was talkingabout and you got to get dirty runs. You get that ball in the perimeter like that and get your footdown, you get 4 or 5 yards of tough yards.
